The Pholcidae of Argentina
Published in Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos, Vol. 3, Sociedad Entomológica Argentina; 2014
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Pholcid diversity in Argentina is relatively low. Argentina currently counts no more than 28 indigenous species (described and undescribed), most of them restricted to the Neotropical region in the northeast of the country. In comparison, Rio de Janeiro state alone counts 42 species. However, Argentina has some exceptional species, including the highest record worldwide (previously Chibchea araona at ~3900 m in Jujuy; in the meantime this record has been broken by another Argentinean species, see here) and the most southern record (42.5°S in Chubut).

This paper summarizes our knowledge about Argentinean pholcids, with a key to genera and and an annotated list of species with geo-referenced locality data and distribution maps for all indigenous species.

Below are photos of all known indigenous genera in Argentina. I took these photos during an expedition in 2019, and several of the species shown here are still undescribed. From top left to bottom right: Aymaria, Mesabolivar, Priscula, Gertschiola, Metagonia, Chibchea, Nerudia, New Genus1; New Genus2, Guaranita.

Photos (c) B.A. Huber