Brazil 2022
After eight expeditions focussing on Brazilian forests (2003-2016), this was my first trip specifically concentrating on the dry area between Amazon and Atlantic Forest. This huge area covered by the unique Cerrado and Caatiga vegetations is home to Ninetinae, a subfamily of Pholcidae that is largely restricted to dry regions. Below are some of the typical beautiful habitats where we found Ninetinae, in the states of Bahia, Pernambuco, and Minas Gerais.

Driving more than 5500 km, we visited about 60 locaities, and found Ninetinae in almost every place. With over 1500 adult specimens, we produced the largest Ninetinae collection available worldwide for any region, in just four weeks. Most species could immediately be identified as Ibotyporanga (above; nine new species) or Kambiwa (below
; nine new species). However, in the case of Kambiwa, the generic limits are far from certain and a detailed analysis of the material may reveal that one or two new genera are included..

I thank Leonardo S. Carvalho, Richard A. Torres Contreras, and Alexandre S. Michelotto for their help with preparations and for being great companions in the field, and the German Research Foundation (project HU980/12-1) for financial support.